Author Archives: admin
Fingerprint scanners can now tell the living from the (un)dead
According to New Scientist “researchers at Dermalog Identification Systems in Hamburg, Germany, have developed a way for a fingerprint scanner to differentiate between live and dead tissue.”Ostensibly designed to keep thieves from bypassing fingerprint scanners by severing fingers from authorized users, this system can also be of great help against intelligent zombie species. Talking Zombies are particularly clever and determined predators and would not hesitate to mutilate a victim to gain access to secure locations.
Run For Your Lives – zombie themed obstacle course and marathon
Run for Your Lives adds zombies and an obstacle course to a standard 5K marathon, thus making it useful training for anyone concerned about potential zombie attacks. Aside from the cardio and speed, this event also emphasizes situational awareness as volunteers dressed as zombies will attempt to steal flags from every runner, like in flag football. Runners must avoid the zombies while completing obstacles and racing towards the finish line.
Book excerpt: the New England Ghoul
Download a PDF description of the New England Ghoul
Habits and Habitat: The inspiration be-
hind the infamous artwork of its discoverer,
Richard Pickman, this species is known for
its nocturnal carrion feeding habits and is
a common sight in poorly guarded grave-
yards. It will not attack a living creature
unless provoked or threatened. The New
England Ghoul prefers to consume human
corpses although it does not gain suste-
nance from eating. They appear to sufer a
complete obsession with consuming dead
human flesh…(read the pdf for the full write up)
Behind the scenes: This species is inspired by the work of H.P. Lovecraft. In particular, his short story, Pickman’s Model mentions a race of underground ghouls that feed on the dead. The ghouls later became a staple of the role playing game Call of Cthulhu. In a supplement to the game, Delta Green, a war between two factions of ghouls breaks out under the streets of New York City. The traditionalists want to remain scavengers, eating only the dead while the heretics want to become hunters – killing human prey themselves.
The Secrets of the undead revealed…
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Emma Stone offered lead in Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
The Hollywood Reporter has stated that Emma Stone (who you may remember from Zombieland) has been offered the lead role in the film version of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. The film seems to finally be close to production, as it has been in development since its release in 2009. As one of the few literary works of merit that deals with the undead, this novel deserves the best possible film adaptation it can get. Of course, if films aren’t your thing, an interactive ebook version will be released this fall.
Center of Disease Control’s Zombie survival protocols
In an unusually well thought of step by a government agency, the CDC has released information on how to prepare for a zombie-related crisis. This site focuses on creating a ‘bug-out bag‘ and making an emergency plan to meet with family friends in the event of a crisis. This is good information for any type of disaster and to the CDC’s credit, it does not emphasize hoarding weapons.
This may seem counter-intuitive but taking a survivalist ‘gun-nut’ route is a surefire recipe for disaster. Other survivors often try to steal weapons from heavily armed survivors. More importantly it causes others to distrust you, as they fear you are a mentally unbalanced sociopath more dangerous than the undead.
The Cast and Crew of the Zombies of the World web series
I want to thank everyone that worked on this back in the summer of 2009. Without their help, I would not have been able to complete the web series.
Full cast and crew listing below the fold
New review of Zombies of the World
One of my favourite things about the book is how it describes a world in which zombies are a menace but haven’t driven humanity to an apocalypse. It’s very hopeful. There are people who are concerned about preserving them as a species (and not solely because they’re the source of almost unlimited energy, if the secret could be cracked).